Despite the thorough training of doctors and tight regulations in the medical industry, mistakes still happen. Thousands of people are injured every year due to medical mistakes, and some are even killed. Nonetheless, there is a difference between an honest mistake...
If you must have your day in court, make it a good day
Medical Malpractice
What is sepsis? Can it be the result of malpractice?
When some kind of infection gets into your body, your body fights back. Sometimes, however, a body’s immune system turns on itself, causing widespread inflammation throughout a victim’s body. That inflammation can ultimately lead to widespread damage to the victim’s...
The elements of legal malpractice
Attorneys in California and elsewhere have an ethical duty to protect their client's interests. If your attorney fails to live up to his or her obligations, it may be possible to file a legal malpractice case. Take a look at some of the elements that you'll likely...
Possible causes and treatments of brain hemorrhages
When arteries in the brain burst, it causes what is referred to as cerebral or intracranial hemorrhages. Blood can leak into nearby tissue and cause the death of brain cells. There are many ways that brain bleeding can occur, and there are several tests that doctors...
Potential signs of internal bleeding
You go in for surgery and though the doctor says that it went well, you worry that something is wrong. You feel a bit "off" as you start your recovery.If you have any worry that you're experiencing internal bleeding, perhaps due to mistakes made during surgery, do not...
Why surgeons struggle with alcohol
There are few things as concerning as seeking treatment from a surgeon who has been drinking when you go in for even minor surgery. Alcohol abuse makes accidents and mistakes far more common. On top of that, studies have found that the rate of alcohol problems among...
Preventable childbirth complications are on the rise
The birth of a child should be one of life's most beautiful experiences. For far too many, however, it instead becomes a brush with death.Childbirth complications are surprisingly prevalent in the United States. More than 50,000 women nationwide suffer from them every...
Unnecessary surgeries keep happening
When your doctor tells you that you need surgery, do you argue, or do you just assume the doctor knows what he or she is talking about and go along with the procedure?For most people, it's the second option. We trust medical professionals and willingly admit that we...
What is failure to diagnose an injury or illness?
Going to the doctor can wrack your nerves. Even if you are going for a well visit, you never know what might be found by the doctor. On the other side of things, you might schedule a sick visit and the doctor says nothing is wrong with you. This can be very...
3 factors that contribute to birth injuries
Birth injuries are devastating for everyone involved. They happen far too frequently, and they're often preventable.Our firm recently published a SlideShare presentation discussing these tragic injuries. Find out what contributes to them and learn how you, as a...