If you must have your day in court, make it a good day

We Fight For You Because We Believe In You

The attorneys of Ball & Evans provide trusted legal advice and representation to victims of accidents, injury and malpractice throughout Los Angeles and the Southwestern United States. Our insight for civil law is respected and honed by years of courtroom experience.

We believe in open, transparent communication with our clients and begin with an honest examination of potential outcomes for civil litigation. You will be informed of the possibility for success and given realistic expectations of what can be accomplished.

Once accepted by our firm, your case will be treated with the utmost dedication, no matter your financial standing or the perceived magnitude of the opposition. We fight for you because we believe in you, and with that belief comes a perseverance to cover every angle and explore every facet of your case.

Meet Our Experienced Trial Lawyers

Our reputation for successful trial outcomes has been earned by the combined years of experience our lawyers bring to the table. Stephen Ball, is a 20-year member of the American Board of Trial Advocates (an honor granted only to lawyers with 20 or more jury verdicts) and has been selected for inclusion in Southern California Super Lawyers list from 2006-2011.

For full profiles of our experienced trial attorneys, please click on the links below:

Representing International Clients And Americans Traveling Abroad

Ball & Evans has successfully represented clients involved in international civil cases. Whether a U.S. citizen injured in a foreign country or a foreign national injured in the U.S., our firm will provide equal, professional legal service.

We have provided legal counsel to foreign manufacturers in contract disputes as well as undocumented workers exploited by unscrupulous employers. We will proudly represent foreign businesses with investments in California.

Arrange A Free Consultation At A Time That Works For You

We offer a free preliminary consultation to all prospective clients. To schedule an appointment, you can contact us by phone at 626-243-2152​ or by email. Your time is valuable, so this initial consultation will take place at a time that is most convenient for you: before office hours, after office hours or even on a weekend.

Our cases are taken on a contingency basis, which means all legal fees are waived unless you receive fair and full compensation for your physical or financial injuries.

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See What Other Clients Say

He actually persuaded me not to settle because he believed that we had a great case. So we took the case to trial and he fought like crazy for me. And we won! It was a really good experience —well, as much as it can be for a lawsuit — and I’m very happy I went with them. I’ve been really blessed to have him as my attorney, so I recommend him whenever I can.”

— Yelp.com review by Daniel M.

See What Other Clients Say

He actually persuaded me not to settle because he believed that we had a great case. So we took the case to trial and he fought like crazy for me. And we won! It was a really good experience —well, as much as it can be for a lawsuit — and I’m very happy I went with them. I’ve been really blessed to have him as my attorney, so I recommend him whenever I can.”

— Yelp.com review by Daniel M.

See What Other Clients Say

He actually persuaded me not to settle because he believed that we had a great case. So we took the case to trial and he fought like crazy for me. And we won! It was a really good experience —well, as much as it can be for a lawsuit — and I’m very happy I went with them. I’ve been really blessed to have him as my attorney, so I recommend him whenever I can.”

— Yelp.com review by Daniel M.