A wrongful death is a devastating occurrence. From losing a loved one in a traffic accident to finding out that a dangerous premises resulted in your loved one’s fatal injuries, it’s hard to be sure what to do next.
Your attorney can help you through the stages of a wrongful death case so that you can pursue a claim and get the compensation that your family deserves. It is not fair to be left in such a difficult position as a result of another person’s actions.
In many cases, catastrophic injuries can lead to death days or weeks after a car crash or other incident. For example, if you suffer from a spinal injury during a crash, there may be a low risk of survival. After treatment, a dangerous surgery might be advised. There’s a chance that you (or any patient) wouldn’t survive.
In some cases, the worst does happen, and patients don’t survive the few days or weeks following an accident. In those cases, their families have a right to pursue a claim. They may have financial losses or other concerns as a result of their loved one’s death, and those are legitimate.
Wrongful death claims can help you recover financial losses for funeral costs, lost wages, a loss of companionship and other problems arising from a loved one’s death. Your attorney will work with you to describe what you can expect and to help you build up a strong case for compensation. If you need to, you can also reject settlements from the insurance company and go to trial to fight for a fair award.