Most motor vehicle accidents in California are minor, but some can cause serious injuries and severe damage. Some of the most dangerous accidents involve a passenger car colliding with a truck or commercial vehicle. Staying safe when sharing the road with trucks starts with being aware.
How to avoid truck accidents
The California DMV identifies four blind spots for most large commercial vehicles and RVs. With these large vehicles requiring more stopping distance and having less maneuverability, the best way to stay safe on the road is to be sure to maintain distance. Several good habits for passenger car drivers include the following:
- Pass without dawdling, always on the left of a large truck.
- Do not merge into the blind spot in front of the cab.
- Stay away from the rear quarter, which swings wide when turning.
- Allow greater braking distance when following.
Another way to avoid a motor vehicle accident with a truck is by preparing your vehicle. Staying on top of maintenance for tires and brakes is important. Minimizing the number of loose items in your car, especially on the dashboard, helps reduce the risk of injury from sudden stops.
Were you injured in a truck accident?
Although you may exercise caution, a truck driver could be negligent and collide with your vehicle. There are logs required to be kept by interstate commercial vehicles that can help establish the cause of collision.
Collisions with trucks are different from other car crashes because of the potential to cause much more damage. Settlements offered by the insurer are not required to be in your best interest, and they may be offered quickly by a company wanting speedy resolution. Contacting an attorney before accepting a settlement may help protect you.