It’s been all over the news these past few years that mobile phone use has become a problem for motorists. This is one of the biggest distractions out there today despite efforts from law enforcement agencies across the country attempting to curb it. Here are some common distracted driving habits that don’t involve the use of a mobile phone.
Something as simple as changing the radio stations in your car can be distracting. You are focused on finding a good song, a news report or a sporting event that your focus is no longer on the road in front of you.
Even having your kids in the car can be a distraction. The same goes for having a front seat passenger. The more people in your car, the higher the likelihood that you become distracted from your driving tasks.
Eating and drinking while driving is also a big distraction. You might spill hot coffee or drop food on your shirt, causing you to become concerned with the mess you just made instead of what is going on around your vehicle.
Using a GPS, even one that is built into your vehicle’s dashboard, is a big distraction. You still have to look at the screen, hit buttons or listen to instructions. All of these items can cause you to lose focus of the road in front of you.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to the negligence of another person in a Pasadena car accident, visit our site to learn more about distracted driving and how you can protect yourself.