Amputation or limb loss is one of the most catastrophic injuries possible in motor vehicle collisions. The force generated in a collision is sometimes enough to cause the immediate traumatic amputation of a body part. People who experience traumatic limb loss at the scene of a crash experience many medical concerns. They are at risk of severe blood loss. They also have to worry about infection. Those who suffer traumatic amputations often need emergency transportation to medical facilities and immediate trauma care.
Occasionally, those who lose an extremity or limb because of a car crash experience amputation after an initial collision. What leads to an amputation after the initial injuries caused by a crash?
Medical amputation can follow a wreck
A direct traumatic injury is not the only way to lose a limb or extremity. Sometimes, medical professionals reach the difficult determination that preserving a limb is not possible. Particularly in scenarios involving severe tearing or crush injuries, emergency medical professionals may determine that surgical amputation is the best option for a patient’s long-term recovery.
Medical or surgical amputation often offers the smoothest path toward recovery after severe physical trauma to a limb or extremity. Occasionally, medical professionals can repair severe damage caused by a crash. However, the process often takes months and multiple procedures.
There is no guarantee of success, and people may develop numerous secondary side effects, including nerve damage. A medical amputation performed by professionals sometimes offers the best chance at recovery and a decent quality of life after a major collision.
Limb loss has major financial implications
Obviously, the medical support required after a traumatic or surgical amputation is extensive and expensive. Many people require days or even weeks at rehabilitation facilities. They may require ongoing counseling or pain management support.
Depending on their profession, they may also have lost wages to consider. In many cases, the insurance coverage available after a crash is insufficient when compared with the cost of limb loss. The combination of lost wages, reduced earning potential and increased lifetime medical expenses can add up to many times more than the maximum amount available through insurance.
Initiating a personal injury lawsuit is often necessary for those with catastrophic injuries. Seeking thorough compensation from at-fault is often better than settling “merely” for the insurance coverage available after a wreck.