Many people who have been involved in car accidents in California have traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs. During a crash, a direct blow to the head or an intense jolt can result in a person’s brain hitting the inside of their skull. This causes swelling, bleeding and bruising to the brain.
Don’t underestimate your symptoms
Even if you were only involved in a minor collision, you may have suffered from a TBI. Motor vehicle accidents often cause whiplash injuries from a person’s head moving quickly forward and back. In addition to neck pain, whiplash can cause a TBI.
Symptoms like headache, visual impairment, brain fog and difficulty concentrating can indicate that you have a TBI. You should be especially concerned if your symptoms do not clear up after a few weeks. Severe TBIs can cause ongoing problems like depression, memory loss, angry outbursts and cognitive decline.
Get evaluated by specialists
It’s important that you get evaluated for a TBI after a car accident. Your primary care physician is the first step, but it’s also a good idea to see a doctor that specializes in brain injuries. A neurologist with training in TBIs may be able to give you a more specific diagnosis of your injury. You may also want to get an evaluation by a neuropsychologist.
Gather evidence for your lawsuit
A severe TBI can permanently alter your life and result in a lot of financial damages. Your medical costs, loss of income and loss of future earning potential may be compensable in a personal injury claim. However, in order to take legal action against liable parties, you must have evidence of the severity of your injury. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to be evaluated by specialists.